Brompton Cemetery.

Brompton Cemetery.

I managed to get myself locked into Brompton Cemetery.


London Town.

London Town.

It was great being back in Chelsea.


Marble Sounds

Marble Sounds

I happened upon this and wanted to share…


Insight Yoga.

Insight Yoga.

A week full of yoga and meditation!


Free open air concerts!

Free open air concerts!

With me June 15 and 16, Stockholm. Come and join the fun!


Hope in a soap.

Hope in a soap.

Helping others through creative efforts – I bought this soap in aid of Japan.


Every breath you take.

Every breath you take.

Change your breathing, change your life.


Face to face.

Face to face.

I was wondering what we humans might look like in the future.




Wise words I am pondering today.


Sprinting round the castle.

Sprinting round the castle.

A world cup on my doorstep.